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From the Backstory Collection - 001 - The Minit Chef Pancaker.


This is my latest acquisition—a Minit Chef Pancaker, made by Feature Products of Chicago Illinois - Item #900. Year made - 1962. There is much to love about this packaging. It is almost a pastiche of the 1950's; while not overly googie, the overall design does conjure up somewhat of a cocktail lounge vibe. The loopy logotype is beautifully playful - I can easily imagine it cast in metal and placed on an ocean-mist blue refrigerator. The use of Bank Gothic did come as a bit of a surprise, I must admit. I am sure I am not alone insofar as the typeface instantaneously brings up images of 1990's sci-fi/action movie one-sheets. A quick search online, however, duly informed me that it was designed eons ago - back in 1930 by the American typographer, Morris Fuller Benton (who also gave us the News and Franklin Gothic, Century Schoolbook and Hobo typefaces). As I am not the most ardent fan of the type-face, I had never heretofore decided to research its provenance.

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